- Project title: Sustainable Aluminium additive Manufacturing fOr high performance Applications
- Project acronym: SAMOA
- Start date: April 1st, 2019
- Duration: 36 months
- Area: D2 Acceleration
- Segment: D2.2 Upscaling project
- Lighthouse: Raw Materials and Circular Societies
The SAMOA project, supported by EIT Raw Materials, aims to upscale the process chain of raw aluminium alloys from material efficient powder production, energy efficient laser and arc wire additive manufacturing to material recycling in order to reduce material need of up to 50%. New high strength aluminium alloys with reduced Si content, increased material strength and processable will be developed. The performance and sustainability will be shown in a demonstrative processing chain.
The introduction into the market of improved methods to produce and use standard aluminium alloys and the design of new alloys for automotive applications will be carried out by SAMOA. The partners will gain a market advantage, especially compared to low labourcost Non European competitors. End user partners who put their main interest on the automotive market and the medical tools and rail vehicle market will have the opportunity to develop demonstrator parts with the help of the proposed innovation for the implementation into the production chain of the addressed products. In addition, the arc wire process will be implemented into the process chain and validate the possibility of mass production.
Our role
Gemmate contributed to the project TRL increase by re-designing a demonstrator of automotive interest. The design of a lighter-weight component was applied considering a hybrid manufacturing approach which combines lower cost manufacturing technologies with laser-based additive processes.
Learn more about SAMOA with the following video